Feelings or Rationality

 I realised one thing the other day: 

Shopping is programmed to generate good feelings. We are born to seek stuff in the forest and when we find something we feel happy. But this feeling is natural and the shopping is not. Shopping is a human idea. And the way that we care for the packaging and each is different is based on marketing. 


Things that are not natural are more prone to be hurtful and that is what happens to us with shopping and consumption of addictive substances. Sometimes I think to myself that we as humans really busy ourselves with petty problems most of the time. We care to gain money or we want to have fun. 

Someone buys a golden ring for one million czech grounds. Now a single piece of jewlery on his finger could feed thousands of hungry children. 


Life goes on and it doesnt matter if your ring is wooden or golden, but we should really spend this time wisely no matter if there is death or heaven after this life 


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